Hi there WeCare Member,
This month we have decided to focus on an area of business that we might push aside or put in our top drawer as a “To Do Later”. A plan that we thought would be great, but we don’t have the time to do it now.
This area is connected with BUSINESS STRATEGY.
Yearly, we set out goals that we want to achieve within the business, but do we plan it right to successfully achieve those goals?
Sometimes YES. Sometimes NO. – Depending on how urgent that task became.
For example, you might want to get your stock under control, as you are not sure what is sitting on your shelves, or you are over ordering certain products and you come to the realization you could build the Eiffel Tower as a display, but you are only selling 5 of these products a month.
So, what tool can we use in your Pharmacy that will work with the Pharmacy to help save time, avoid creating double work and be able to read the stock file so I do not order unnecessary stock?
With OrderDIRECT being integrated into your software, you can see your stock on hand immediately when ordering. This will help avoid ordering another 2 units, after you sold 2 this week, when you have 20 units sitting on your shelves.
Another added benefit is that OrderDIRECT will pick up your ordering & selling patterns. Therefore, if you sold 10 units over the past 3 months, it will suggest what to order currently to match the previous patterns. Again, this will help avoid over stocking your shelves AND prevent you from ordering the same item daily, where you could just have a set estimate of that items sales over the next few weeks.
Start planning today, to avoid the last-minute rush when it’s too late, and your “Eiffel Tower” of stock comes toppling down.
Contact your allocated CSR or Business
Centre Agent for any questions.
📞 Phone: (+27) 087 802 2621
📣 Email: contactus@we-care.co.za
🌏 Website: we-care.co.za