The Loyalty treatment – October 2021
Hello Member, Did you know?
Over 70% of our economically active consumers use rewards programs, especially during these times as cash back or monetary value is given back to them, and they are essentially saving on purchases.
In todays businesses, rewards systems seem to be a magnetic tool in order to entice your customers and their repeat business. Looking at the big corporates, in pharmacy, grocery chains, clothing stores and even in banks, almost every South African will have some sort of rewards card in their wallet for their most frequented or favourite store. So add your NAME for “Rewards purchase” to your patients card slots.
As most of you know, one of the advantages of being a WeCare member, is the integrated Loyalty system. The loyalty system is custom to your business, meaning you select the points, you select the value and you select the items. As these cards are custom to you, your customers will earn & burn their points in YOUR pharmacy, keeping them coming back through your doors.

The perks of having the rewards system in your pharmacy are; firstly, you get your customers coming back to spend money in your store to collect points or spend their points (Integrated into your Point Of Sale system, there is a pop up asking to swipe the card, and when completing a sale you can select use points for purchase). Secondly, you are collecting customers data, with every card you order an application form for your patients to complete. Customers come in sign up, and get their card to add to their rewards card slots in their wallets.
We train a pharmacy staff member to capture the data onto your system & Viola – you have the details to communicate via email or SMS your patients for repeats collections, specials, Competitions, Clinic services or change of pharmacy details.
Another benefit to you in your pharmacy, if your customer has signed up on loyalty and at your dispensary counter ready to collect a prescription, you can swipe their card to pull up their profile instantly! That’s right !!! No more scrolling, and squinting to select the correct one, just an easy swipe.
So looking at all the above points, and moving forward with the business trends, sign up for your Loyalty today.
For more information, call us: 0878022621
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