Hello again WeCare Member,
Knowing your last year GP, and current GP, allows you to set your GP target for the next month or year. Then you plan on how to reach that TARGET.
Your repeat business is important, the report shows you what you potentially missed in repeats, and if you contacted your customers with a friendly reminder.
The TOP Negative GP items & dead stock affects your over all GP – Going through these and either recapturing the items correctly or reducing stock on hand for items not selling, can help increase your GP.
If you implement staff incentives, or want to manage your staff’s ROI in your pharmacy. Your unique Rhains Report will show you the percentage of turnover, rand value and how many transactions or scripts each team member has done.
You as a business owner want to know what other independent pharmacies are charging for top products in your area, the comparison reports allow you to see what others are stocking or what they are charging.