This Report is a “snapshot” of your Business & keeps you informed of how your Pharmacy is doing DAILY!
The 6 key performance areas shown in your report with
yesterday & today’s figures are:
The “DMR” is an aid to spot any problem areas in your Pharmacy timeously, so you’re not putting out fires, but preventing them altogether!
The Report will help you discover and recognise various trends that you can spin to your advantage, then replicate strategies that are working into areas of your Pharmacy that may be performing poorly.
Because the Daily Management Report is emailed to you, you can read it on your phone or computer while relaxing at home, while you drink your morning coffee or while traveling and not in your store.
With your “DMR” you now have access to a daily overview of your Pharmacy’s performance “in your pocket”, and always have your finger on the pulse of your Business!
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